In an effort to preserve the species in Mount Kenya, scientists have implanted bongo embryos into female eland, but so far without success.
The scientists also implanted electrodes in the monkeys' brains to record the activity of certain brain cells.
The scientists have successfully implanted stem cells into a gum of a mouse and managed to grow a new tooth.
This process allows scientists to create bioborgs by mutating animals and implant them with nodes that can be fitted with weapons.
Regenerative medicine also empowers scientists to grow tissues and organs in the laboratory and safely implant them when the body cannot heal itself.
He and other scientists had surgically implanted the tag in the tuna a year and a half ago.
The scientists injected a gene called Sry into fertilized eggs, implanted the eggs in mice and let some of the resulting embryos develop for two weeks.
A mortally wounded scientist accidentally implants his consciousness in a nano-tech marvel-a cybernetic spider.
The scientists also removed cells from the pituitary glands of the space rats and implanted them into earthbound rats.
To advance medical research without killing people, scientists a few years ago implanted human immune cells in mice and grew an immune system they can experiment with.