No major changes in the local environment occurred during that time, so the scientists attribute the success to factors intrinsic to the breeding birds.
Studies also show that men and women handle stress differently - a difference that some scientists attribute, in part, to estrogen.
Many scientists attribute this particular asteroid strike as being the "extinction event" that took out the dinosaurs.
Meanwhile, China has been experiencing record warm temperatures this winter that scientists attribute at least partly to global warming.
The European heat wave is one in a cascade of extreme weather events that scientists attribute to global warming.
Senior scientists and engineers attributed this failure as "Sharif's personal corruption" that effected the national security of the country.
After further tests, the scientists attributed the difference to a mutation.
Some scientists attribute this to a mechanism or influence downstream in the supraspinal pathways.
Most political scientists attribute the high turnout to a desire by voters for change.
Several scientists and state officials attributed the decline in part to the cool, wet weather that kept more people indoors last summer.