The extra time will allow scientists to review the health of the fish and to further assess a count botched two years ago.
Since the scientists assessing the damage to our land, water and air constantly disagree with one another, we are permitted to hope that the Cassandras are simply wrong.
The scientists assessed DHA and fish intake using a questionnaire and obtained complete dietary data on more than half the subjects.
"Our scientists assess the populations and set quotas."
Ten scientists name the biggest danger to Earth and assesses the chances of it happening.
This time-series of oceanographic and fisheries data allows scientists to assess the human impact and effects of climate change on the coastal ocean ecosystem.
A peer review is the process by which scientists assess the work of their colleagues that has been submitted for publication in the scientific literature.
In the other, the scientists assessed how much and in what ways the husband affected the wife's attitude.
From the measurements scientists could assess the temperature and the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
We must trust the real scientists to evaluate the research programmes and assess the priorities.