Earlier in July, a panel of scientists assembled by the department confirmed that the chemical processing that created the wastes also released large amounts of radiation to surrounding areas.
He was also asked to join the Flow Rate Technical Group, a group of scientists assembled by the Department of the Interior to address the flow rate issue.
A panel of scientists assembled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration issued new findings that day on the chlorofluorocarbons, known as CFC's.
Around 50 scientists assembled in his attic workshop in London to witness the event.
This invention was picked up by someone in the team of scientists assembled at the Heeresversuchsanstalt in Peenemünde.
Filmed in the Mexican desert, the movie focuses on what was probably the most brilliant team of scientists ever assembled anywhere.
He found a score of scientists assembled at the door, which had apparently just been opened.
To the scientists and officers assembled in the wardroom, the message was fully expected.
According to a consortium of scientists assembled to review the problem, the decline highlights the uncertainty in forecasting salmon returns.
The most authoritative estimate, by scientists assembled under U.N. auspices, projects that average global temperatures will rise about 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100.