So, although miniaturization has been shown to be scientifically possible, it also appears to be economically impracticable - a hollow triumph.
What you suggest is not scientifically possible.
Evidence can now be uncovered that was not scientifically possible at the time of the original examination.
We have clearly gone as far as is scientifically possible from the bridge of the Enterprise.
They are trained to recognize that what seems completely unbelievable on the surface is scientifically possible if you understand the basic theory of the event.
Barely twenty-five years earlier, Ben had had trouble convincing Toby that a "radio with moving pictures" was even scientifically possible.
The hottest hot sauce scientifically possible is one rated at 16,000,000 Scoville units, which is pure capsaicin.
I know it's scientifically possible and probably less complex than cataloging the human genome, which has already been done.
Either way, a truth machine, although scientifically possible, might take a long time to arrive.
The tougher question is whether it will be scientifically possible to stay ahead of the cheaters.