By 1965, he had conducted various studies, published several articles, conducted special scientific symposia, and been interviewed by the New York Times.
The Institute regularly organised scientific symposia.
Find information about the many public meetings and scientific symposia sponsored by FSIS.
Moreover he took part in many conductor seminars and scientific symposia throughout Poland.
The form and content of events vary: from opera with multimedial stages to scientific symposia and popular concerts through to performances, dance or film-screenings.
Two scientific symposia in the medical sciences took place in 1995 under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences.
It organises monthly meetings with papers and discussions as well as scientific symposia.
He continues to be an invited speaker at many universities as well as at domestic and international scientific symposia.
It hosts literary and scientific symposia, and also offers dictation and a science competitions.
ICES generally sponsors, either itself or in collaboration with other organizations, at least two, and sometimes as many as seven or eight, scientific symposia in a calendar year.