Of course, there was a scientific objection to overcome.
We have whittled away the scientific objections to God by placing him outside the reach of measurement.
Smalley believed that such assemblers were not physically possible and introduced scientific objections to them.
I raised substantive scientific objections and the only replies I got were ad hominen attacks.
Mivart supported directed evolution, and compiled scientific and religious objections to natural selection.
This philosophical objection is really the same as the so-called scientific objection that miracles just do not occur in this world or universe.
The technical issue referred to was never an important element in my scientific objections to suggestions of pronounced anomalous greenhouse warming.
She had verified beyond any possible scientific objections a theory that had been hithertofore only a conjecture.
Despite some similarities between these two causes, the creation science movement represented a shift from religious to scientific objections to Darwin's theory.
Critics of legislation offer a raft of constitutional, scientific and statistical objections.