The calculator app has been updated with a scientific mode; just orient the iPhone in landscape and the standard calculator becomes a scientific one.
One notable new feature that's not Settings-related is a scientific mode for the Calculator application when the iPhone is turned on its side.
The displays also included some way of indicating operational mode, scientific mode, and other states and conditions.
Moreover, Mansfield argues that Machiavelli's modern "virtue" was "emasculated" by later modern authors, who propounded "more regular and scientific modes of overcoming fortune".
Moset asked, slipping into scientific mode.
Later, positive psychology opened up humanistic themes to scientific modes of exploration.
As a scientific mode of study is currently found to rely on statistics and description, organized in five ekistic elements: nature, anthropos, society, shells, and networks.
Her voice lapsed into the scientific mode, like the monotone of a pathologist conducting an autopsy.
You said you were going to stay in the scientific mode, said another voice from somewhere.
After that, he has developed a concept of "Art as Research" to extend scientific modes of expression.