Never though can it have housed a greater galaxy of scientific and industrial leaders than on that Thursday last month.
The rabbi was among more than a thousand political, scientific and religious leaders attending the forum.
For while few of the university's students set off Communist revolutions, many have become respected political and scientific leaders in their countries.
More than a thousand religious, political and scientific leaders from 83 nations are attending the conference.
In doing so, he plunged into territory where few other scientific leaders tread.
He has been instrumental in selecting the project's new scientific leaders.
They said the President needed the best science advice he could get from a scientific leader he can trust.
The newspaper claimed that the letter was signed by more than a hundred scientific, civic, and political leaders.
But neither got satisfaction when they tried to get corrective action from academic and scientific leaders.
As a scientific leader and administrator he helped to build the Institute to international excellence.