In fact, the form of biochip technology found in the partial, which had earlier mystified Aristotle, forms the basis for almost their entire scientific attainment.
However the Little People differed from Earthmen only in degree with respect to scientific attainments.
Fillmore turned down the honor, explaining that he had neither the "literary nor scientific attainment" to justify the degree.
Dalton later referred to Gough as a "prodigy in scientific attainments."
The scientific attainments of Professor Summerlee are too well known for me to trouble to recapitulate them.
His scientific attainments soon brought him into notice as an astronomer and mathematician.
Just as legend credited the Futuremen with impossible scientific attainments.
Many early commissioners were chosen for their scientific or intellectual attainments.
His principal topics were those of the day, and nothing that fell from him led me to suspect his scientific attainments.
"You are suggesting that these barbarians have greater scientific attainments than the Chosen Race?"