This federation is a non-profit, scientific and educational agency founded in 1981, and constituted of some thirty member organizations from various countries.
According to the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry little or no evidence exists to support them despite significant research on the subject by non-governmental scientific agencies.
Some scientific agencies would get budget increases of nearly 20 percent.
The GSC is the country's oldest scientific agency and one of its first government organizations.
It is one of the oldest scientific agencies, established in 1830.
Their first small step in its defense was to rename the scientific agency the National Biological Service, which they hope will sound more appealing.
Smaller scientific agencies also saw the same modest proposed increases.
He spent most of his scientific career rising through the ranks of this famous federal scientific agency.
Moreover, numerous scientific agencies made a significant contribution to this procedure.
During World War II, he lobbied for the formation of a new international scientific agency.