In addition to publishing over 350 peer-reviewed articles, White has written 14 editorials and published over 500 scientific abstracts.
One specific application used hierarchical NMF on a small subset of scientific abstracts from PubMed.
Popular resources like Pubmed and Google Scholar provide access to historic as well as most recent scientific abstracts and full text publications.
Prices that corporate clients pay to download documents like business directories and scientific abstracts from Dialog's electronic libraries will now be based on the number of authorized users of the documents.
Surgical research teams submit scientific abstracts each summer for presentation at the Academic Surgical Congress early the following year.
Large photographs of histological samples of the two organs sat next to scientific abstracts, occult and religious images.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society - freely available scientific abstracts presented at general meetings and various unit meetings of APS Physics.
He is the author of numerous articles and scientific abstracts and has been cited about 1200 times (,) Furthermore, as a guest lecturer he participated in more than 30 professional conferences.
He has also developed the Phytochemeco Database, a staggering accumulation of analyses and scientific abstracts for thousands of plants, now on the Web (www.
Thousands of individuals apply to have their scientific abstracts accepted and presented at this meeting each year.