"Sir, I'm not a science specialist, but I don't get anything."
And each of the 10 instructional regions will be getting a new science specialist.
The science specialist found the look more than slightly insulting, but not so much that he troubled to take issue with it.
Once the clues were assembled, the science specialist found himself having to fight down an impulse to leap cheering to his feet.
Riker felt real delight at the genuine hope he perceived in the voice and manner of the science specialists.
Nor was it enough for the Norwegian command candidate and his sultry science specialist.
In the interests of peace, the alien will also give them the titanium, asking that a science specialist be sent to discuss the details.
She trained as a journalist on a weekly magazine for doctors, where she became the science specialist.
Her mother retired as a science specialist with the Warwick elementary schools.
One of our science specialists told us it was called sassafras.