To accomplish this feat, he should be armed with the best aids that science can produce.
Why, for example, would you force people to make do with "natural" babies when science could produce children who were healthier, happier, and smarter?
If Soviet science can produce such a wonder, there is nothing we cannot do!
However, as the twentieth century proceeded, science produced many ideas which were nothing like common sense.
Each item was something rare or something which the industry and science of a younger civilization could not yet produce.
Even if its conclusions are uncertain and tentative, science can produce reasonably accurate answers to important questions.
For every new vaccine or treatment that science produces, new diseases are discovered.
Forensic science doesn't produce miracles, Mark, but sometimes it seems to come close.
Of course science and technology alone cannot produce complete solutions to such complex problems.
Yet no miracle which science may produce can compare with the greatest wonders of all.