EPS also includes more substantive pieces that provide a political science perspective on important current events.
They look at it from the social science perspective.
Psychology curriculae and the challenge of Bologna: An answer from a cultural science perspective.
In what the university calls a "multidisciplinary approach" focusing on in both humanistic and social science perspectives.
The program focuses on the building of knowledge in the areas of policing, courts, and corrections from a social science perspective.
Claude Fischler's main area of research has been a comparative, interdisciplinary social science perspective on food and nutrition.
The study of underlying disciplines introduces students to management fields from a social science perspective.
From the cognitive science perspective, every natural intelligent system is hybrid because it performs mental operations on both the symbolic and subsymbolic levels.
He helped bring a natural science perspective to child psychology by introducing objective research methods based on observable and measurable behavior.
Forward Looks are medium to long-term authoritative studies on science perspectives in broad areas of research and development.