He has written over 40 articles on education, pedagogy, and science literacy.
The Academy is actively involved in promoting science and increasing science literacy among students and the general public.
But despite that, "Science Matters" has little to do with science literacy.
But, he added, "I think people who are passionate about science literacy will wear a black armband for a while."
These predictions emphasize the need for better science education and the importance of science literacy.
More important to them is what researchers have described as a pervasive lack of "science literacy" among adults, especially teachers.
No wonder the general public's science literacy is still so poor.
It's not the media's fault that science literacy is so poor.
Darlene Cavalier is an advocate for science literacy, a writer, and an entrepreneur.
You also identify some of the necessary ingredients: start early, make it user-friendly, teach science literacy to the entire population.