In 1995, American fourth-grade students did better than the international average on the science exam.
The evening before their final political science exam that December, they were in a campus library, studying late into the night.
Those who entered in fall 1999 must pass all those tests and have those credits, in addition to passing the science exam.
Some are highly competitive, while others focus on potential dropouts; none use the special science exam.
The percentage of students scoring 65 or higher on various science exams.
It's not enough for a science exam, but plenty to move the narrative along.
As this is being written, for last 3 years students from Amrit Vidhyalaya have top the 12th science exam at the district level.
The center also provides housing for students preparing for science exams.
Patel's mother saw the casting ad in a newspaper and took him to the audition even though he had a science exam the next day.
Perhaps no so much spelling - though if a science exam spells the name Darwin wrongly, would one give that candidate a A grade?