There is also a School Community Council which supports all school-related activities.
The carvings depict school-related activities such as science, sports, drama, and history.
The number of teen-agers participating in any school-related activity outside the classroom fell to 77 percent, from 82 percent in 1998.
Of the five most important reasons to go online, the survey found that four were school-related activities like research and checking grades.
They also contribute to the literature by measuring parent-child interaction by the indicators of how often parents and children discuss school-related activities.
Every school day, 475,000 school buses transport 25 million children to and from schools and school-related activities.
Performances included various school academic ceremonies, other school-related activities, and various music competitions.
It is published quarterly to provide readers with the latest updates from the aviation industry and inform them about school-related activities.
There was a time when learning was the purpose of school-related activities such as field trips.
My first step was to gather information on how I spent my time on school-related activities and attempt to create some form of time-analysis schedule.