If the school violates the act, victim can apply for investigation to the supervising authority.
The Senators said they were not trying to protect any schools violating rules, but urged this be a "first order of business."
How does having an all-girls school in East Harlem violate the rights of boys?
But a school that is largely run by church members - even with a secular program - might well violate the law.
The other rule the school may have violated says that players can practice only 20 hours a week, including meetings and weight lifting, the newspaper said.
Dissidents contend that the school violates the constitutional separation of church and state.
The school violated numerous laws, including having a thatched roof and failing to have fire extinguishers.
Winn cited two state laws the school might have violated.
The suit charges that the school violated the youth's constitutional right to free expression.
And the school, by granting access, was violating the Cuomo executive orders against discrimination, he said.