The institution has school, high school and college section.
There are 53 University-preparatory school schools with 14,864 teachers and 154,447 students.
He discovered his singing talent while still in high school school.
Melchisedech's four years of boarding school high school, while it was all a single experience, did not all happen in the same place.
It served areas of Clayton and Concord as a regular public high school school for 54 years.
In 1974, the school school would introduce a revised master's program, with a new 12 hour block of basic material required of all students.
It is a K1-8 school private school in East Boston.
Its like the arguments you used to have in primary school school about football.
The famous government laboratory high school, Model school and college are also part of Kazihata.
There are 68 pre-schools, 29 primary schools and 30 secondary or middle school schools, in which 1,225 teachers work.