It is one of the 8 grade K-5 elementary schools located in the ten-school district.
The contest is open to public, private and home-schooled high school students residing and/or attending schools located in the 26th Congressional District.
The school will located at 30 Vandam Street between 6th Avenue and Varick.
There are girls and boys primary and high schools located at the north corner of the village.
Where the above ground railway was is now available for development, schools, hotels and commercial facilities, can locate here totaling some four hectares.
He also diverted approximately $80,000 to a variety of other rabbis and Jewish schools and organizations located in Brooklyn.
The school had recently located to the building formerly occupied by the New York Herald Tribune.
Soon after, at its new location, the school expanded to contain a middle school located on the same campus.
The school is currently located in suburban Rosemont, Pennsylvania, 10 miles west of Philadelphia.
In addition, there are many other religious and private schools located in the Region.