Only about 40 percent of the education schools in the country are accredited.
Whether you are looking at 2-year, 4-year, or trade schools, make sure that the school is accredited.
The school was first accredited in 1966 to issue two year degrees.
The school was founded in 1915 and has been accredited since 1921.
In 1919, the school became accredited as a junior college.
Following the war, the school was accredited as a junior college, and women joined the student body in 1919.
The school is accredited with two agencies, which did their evaluation process together.
The school was accredited in 1979 but could no longer afford to keep its doors open by 1991.
Less than 5% of the world's business schools are accredited by this prestigious association.
The high school was accredited the year of operation and held its first graduation in 1972 with 16 students.