In 1843, his family moved to Saint Petersburg, where he studied in a military school, graduated from the engineer college, and then served as a field engineer.
According to the complaint, only 97 of the 280 students who entered the school four years earlier graduated in 2002.
He attended parochial schools, graduated from Georgetown University and received his law degree at Fordham Law School in 1956.
He attended the common schools, graduated from old Jackson College near Columbia, Tennessee in Maury County.
He attended public schools, graduated from Hofstra in 1965 and entered the family business in 1966.
He attended the public schools, graduated from Long Beach Polytechnic High School.
He attended the common schools, graduated from Harvard in 1800.
Born in Providence, he attended private schools, graduated from Brown University in 1878, and entered the cotton textile manufacturing business.
He attended public schools, graduated from Yale and is now a partner in a prestigious Hartford law firm.
He attended the common schools, graduated from Washington College near Greeneville, Tennessee, and engaged in agricultural pursuits.