Osteopathic physicians attend four years of medical school followed by at least three years of residency.
Alistair is one of your lot - public school, followed by university, where he graduated as a heroin addict.
Nor has the traditional segregation of national schools been followed.
It shows a school bus dropping off children at school followed by game footage of the bus in combat.
Hardly conducive to children, like Andrew, who have school followed by extracurricular activities.
They danced first in Duncan's established schools, followed by a career with Duncan herself.
Next comes the mathematical school of probability, followed by charts and statistics.
It brought more of them out of the school, followed by a teacher shouting at them to get back inside and sit down!
We attend four years of dental school followed by two years of postgraduate training in orthodontics.
Selection previously began with the nomination of the student by the school followed by an assessment process.