A school district adopting the resolution may not apply for referendum exceptions or ask voters for a tax increase above the inflation index.
The school district asked the United States Supreme Court to consider the case and it agreed to do so.
In some US states, Michigan for example, school districts may ask the voters to approve a taxation for the purpose of establishing a sinking fund.
The school district asks for the students to wear uniform, but has made the exception of letting students include any color jacket or socks.
The school district has asked a retired Superior Court judge to review its own handling of the events.
Other school districts moving to fill the job-training breach are asking local businesses to help them tailor curriculums to meet market needs.
He says that school districts everywhere ask for proof of residence, and adds that all applicants to Federal jobs must produce verifiable citizenship documents.
The school district and Wyoming Township had asked for it to handle the land development.
San Francisco and other school districts are asking recipients to donate the checks to them.
Once that was approved, school districts could ask their state education agencies to be released from various regulations.