TO many people, the notion that the state should compensate crime victims for school costs may seem like a stretch.
Local districts pay most school costs of $10,000 per student, the nation's highest.
Even so, concern about school costs is on the rise.
Some companies offer interest-free loans for housing, help with day care and private school costs.
The school cost just under £500 with the majority of the funds being raised by public subscription.
Neither the mother nor the grandmother could afford the $25 annual school cost.
This year, Yonkers will receive $60 million from the state, which covers 17 percent of its school costs.
They said that attracting more residents would only increase their $17,000 annual property tax bill, by raising school costs.
The expansion in the middle school cost about $2.7 million.
Taxes were quadrupled across the South to pay off the railroad bonds and the school costs.