Two common middle and high school cliques seen in everyday life are the popular crowd, in-group, and everyone else, out-group.
But she added that most people living in an age-restricted community have matured since they had to do the waltz of high school cliques.
The question of how people determine their social rankings bears on everything from reality television to high school cliques to personal health.
She said that high school cliques are impediments.
Teen-age drug and alcohol use seems no greater, and high school cliques no crueler, than in similar cities.
Children seem to stay children longer, rarely caught up in school cliques or drugs.
The album contains the hit song "Popular Creeps," which denounces snooty high school cliques.
In the lexicon of high school cliques, the French speakers, who are bilingual whenever they want to be, are the cool kids.
The agencies of the Bush administration are behaving like high school cliques.