"Schedules have gone amok," Lu said softly, in his scholarly way.
But at the same time I don't want to write in a scholarly way at all.
I commend him for treating this hyperemotional topic in such an objective and scholarly way.
Dr. Thompson believed the Bible should be presented in a simple, but scholarly way.
I felt that unless the studies reached the public in a scholarly way, they would be misrepresented.
I'm a scholar, and I'm reporting to you in a scholarly way the current condition of the kingdom.
In other words, if someone else had done the research in what appeared to be a scholarly way, they took advantage of it.
It was, however, in a calm, passionless, and scholarly way, interested.
If I ever do anything in a scholarly way, it'll only be published posthumously.
"But when they bring it back in a scholarly way like Charlie, then it's all good."