There is some scholarly treatment of burglaries in American law as inchoate crimes, but this is in dispute.
The first book-length scholarly treatment of the Copperheads appeared in 1942.
(A scholarly Jewish treatment, strong on historical perspective.)
Yet there was a scholarly historical treatment of the developing county, too - a treatment that belied the typecasting.
Elimination of such scholarly treatment works to the detriment of living artists, both famous and obscure.
American Pharaoh (Cohen and Taylor) is a scholarly treatment of the same subject.
As a scholarly treatment of a reformation in technical communication, the text is a contribution to the history of science.
But most lengthy scholarly treatments of the issue assert the legality of the Reorganized government.
Outstanding scholarly treatment with broad coverage and cross references (internal and external).
It is a scholarly and balanced treatment of the Cura de Taos whose life story had been distorted by some authors.