It may not have survived scholarly scrutiny, but Snow's response was like a temporary pontoon bridge built to scurry the troops across the river: it got the job done.
"Even the scholarly scrutiny of the genocide of the Jewish people," Mr. Leinemann wrote, "was tentative and uncertain during those first three decades."
This scholarly scrutiny of these crucial years, encouraged by the exhibition and its catalogue (Rizzoli, 255pp. 200 ills.
Her reputation has earned her intense scholarly scrutiny by some of the world's finest Hispanists, as well as tendentious critical treatment.
No wonder that American collections compiled at the time have since come under scholarly scrutiny.
For one thing, the language is brilliantly character-driven, layered enough to withstand scholarly scrutiny.
And does a Shakespeare that appeals to general readers necessarily come at the expense of one that stands up to scholarly scrutiny?
To date, the Cahiers have been published in their entirety only as photostatic reproductions, and only since 1980 have they begun to receive scholarly scrutiny.
However, he believed it was also "an elaborate historical horoscope that will never withstand scholarly scrutiny."
American business is coming under unprecedented scholarly scrutiny.