In my opinion, it violates an old rule of scholarly method known as "Occam's razor" - the simplest of competing theories is to be preferred to the more complex ones.
Mr. Ramadan's approach "was rooted in a kind of spirituality and a scholarly method that was innovative and original and very fruitful.
This is an important aspect of academic scholarly method in the modern sense.
Yet despite Menzies' powers of persuasion, his scholarly methods will not satisfy everyone.
A scholar is one who follows a scholarly method.
It is the scholarly and scientific method of recording the identification, classification, and categorization of minerals, their properties, and their uses.
Kurth introduced Ranke's advanced scholarly methods in his seminar at the Universite de Liège.
Their books are a healthy reminder of how a few highly technical but crucial choices about scholarly method can lead to broadly different conclusions.
It seeks to understand the integrated history of the cosmos, earth, life, and humanity, using the best available empirical evidence and scholarly methods.
Thus, a radical idea becomes a tool for analysis, a scholarly method as rigorous as any other, one, in Kay Warren's view, that "can reveal hidden social realities."