You get more of a feeling of Godwin's extravagant dimensions from the catalog, which wags this scholarly exhibition rather than the other way around.
No one does focused, scholarly exhibitions of this sort better than the China Institute, where the show appears.
Isn't it wonderful, I thought with a warm glow, that young people would be so interested in such a scholarly exhibition.
By pairing crowd pleasers with more scholarly exhibitions, he said, the museum drew more people to serious art.
Perhaps promising a blockbuster and delivering a small, coherent, scholarly exhibition will generate a frustration that no museum wants.
An ambitious program of relevant, scholarly exhibitions is perhaps the Tang's greatest draw.
A scholarly exhibition on the World Trade Center opens at an uptown museum next week.
Serious scholarly exhibitions also fall prey to these sentiments.
Its program of lectures and concerts had a devoted, even cultish following, as did the scholarly exhibitions packed into its two small galleries.
The scholarly exhibitions continued, but often with timely hooks.