Now scholars are struggling to explain how cultures that had no contact with one another constructed mythical creatures so remarkably similar.
Despite Maimonides' denunciation of Hermetism, Jewish scholars in the Renaissance struggled to reconcile his beliefs with those of the proponents of Hermetic thought within Judaism.
Since the rise of the nation-state, scholars and politicians have been struggling to answer the critical question of geopolitics: Why do some countries fight wars and others remain at peace?
Some scholars have struggled to determine if either of these two versions is closer to the original text composed by the original author.
Since the difference is so great, scholars have struggled to determine which of the two versions is closer to the original text composed by the original author.
The few brief Etruscan inscriptions found on temple stones or on artifacts in tombs are written in a non-Indo-European language that scholars are still struggling to decipher.
The work of Sirach is presently known through various versions, which scholars still struggle to disentangle.
Estimates have varied as scholars struggle to determine the pre-contact populations of most native groups in California.
Now scholars drawing on primitive art, fossilized bones and ancient legends are struggling to explain how cultures that had no contact with one another constructed mythical creatures so remarkably similar.
To this day scholars struggle to count the number of "nickelodeons" that operated at the time.