Since the 1960s, scholars have produced broad examinations of colonial Chesapeake society.
But these days, few scholars are producing discipline-transcending, paradigm-breaking new work.
Nonetheless, in recent years academic scholars have produced definitions of populism which enable populist identification and comparison.
In 1978 300 scholars and Protestant leaders met in Chicago and produced an agreed statement.
However, apart from this verse, no scholar has produced any clear evidence for any such self-aware grouping.
An activist as well as a scholar, he produced many political works.
Japanese scholars produced 40 percent of the text, while foreign scholars wrote the remaining 60 percent.
One scholar, however, has produced evidence that The Constant Maid was originally composed in the early 1630s.
Many scholars still reject this explanation and have produced more complex metaphysical explanations.
During the golden age of radio scholars produced studies showing that listening impaired young people's capacity to distinguish reality from fantasy.