"We classify as Tanu any person who looks exotic," the brawny scholar explained.
In five songs the musician and the scholar explain themselves.
South Park, one scholar explains, "made a name for itself as rude, crude, vulgar, offensive, and potentially dangerous" within this debate about values.
The Romanian scholar explained in detail his dislike for the Third Republic's social and political landscape.
These scholars also explain the philosophy used during translation and how specific texts in their versions differ from the corresponding texts in others.
One prominent 16th-century Persian scholar explains extensively about the Afghans.
"My anthropology does raise serious questions for traditional notions of causality," explains the elusive scholar.
Some scholars explain this by gradual adaptation to the language of the source whence manuscript originated.
Boukra," a Palestinian scholar in Jerusalem explained with a laugh, "is a lot like manana.
While traditional scholars explain this Ketuyu Rebellion as a typically barbarian reaction modern historians are more cautious.