Talmudic scholars have engaged in exactly that form of exegesis for years or even lifetimes to glean greater understanding.
Legal scholars, economists, activists, policymakers, industries, and trade organizations have held differing views on patents and engaged in contentious debates on the subject.
Even so, most scholars did not engage in much serious discussion or analysis of the novel until the 1950s, though many in France recognized the work much earlier.
Christian scholars engage leaders in their respective fields, in order to promote a culture critique within the discipline that reflects biblical paradigms.
Still, he warned, if scholars engage in advocacy as well as scholarship they must "make it clear which activity they are engaging in at any given time."
Very few scholars engage with the remaining sections of Gaunilo's text.
Many Western and Chinese scholars, including Chinese graduate students at American universities, routinely engage in the same kind of historical treasure hunt here.
Many scholars have engaged in study to determine the interpretation of the vague inscription.
Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have engaged in long and furious debates concerning the exact nature of fascism and its core tenets.
Beginning in kindergarten, scholars engage in a daily, dinner-table style debate about a book, crafting arguments and marshaling evidence to prove their ideas.