During the British Raj (1857-1947), Western scholars edited many Sanskrit texts which had survived in manuscript form.
From the time of the Former Han Dynasty, Yao continues, most Confucian scholars believed that there were no "Confucian classics" before Confucius, and that Confucius re-collected and edited them, thereby "fixing" the versions of the ancient writings which became the Classics.
A classical scholar and translator, Marsh edited five anthologies of Georgian Poetry between 1912 and 1922, and he became Rupert Brooke's literary executor, editing his Collected Poems in 1918.
A prolific scholar, Mr. Young wrote and edited more than 50 books, including studies of Elgar, Handel, Vaughan Williams and the Bach family.
Since the Bork hearings, do you think she or other legal scholars might edit themselves with an eye to a future on the Court?
Praise From the President In that statement, the President singled out for praise such humanities projects as one "to aid scholars to gather and edit the work of such Americans as George Washington, Frederick Douglass, Mark Twain, Jane Addams and Martin Luther King."
Piil is a film critic for Dagbladet Information and Schepelern a scholar from University of Copenhagen, Institute for Film and Media Sciences and both have edited large encyclopedic works.
But now an Irish scholar, Danis Rose, has edited James Joyce's masterpiece to make it more reader-friendly.
The scholar and poet Earle Birney edited Selected Poems of Malcolm Lowry (1962).