However, modern scholars discount the story that he ploughed salt into the soil to make sure Carthage never rose again, though the Romans themselves believed it.
For years many scholars disregarded or discounted the Schechter Letter account, which referred to Helgu (often interpreted as Oleg) as late as the 940s.
Most scholars discounted this legend, arguing that, by this time, the book would have come to light if it did still ex- ist.
More recently, scholars have discounted the accuracy of this critique.
Foster allegedly composed the song after visiting a relative's home at Bardstown, Kentucky called Federal Hill, but scholars have discounted the allegation.
In the 21st century, scholars have largely discounted the longstanding presumption that Sabaean migrants had played a direct role in Ethiopian civilization.
Western scholars of international relations do not discount the role of international influences on domestic political development.
Some scholars in the Middle Ages discounted the legend of the lamp oil.
But a 1960 profile of Matson stated that "Because of his indiscriminate mixing of fact and legend, however, scholars generally discount his books as valid sources."
Some Byzantine and Arab sources claim that this resulted in the failure of a peace embassy sent by the Byzantines in June 954, under Paul Monomachos, but modern scholars discount this.