Some scholars credit the idea for the lighthouse to Ptolemy and others attribute it to the mouseion, a governmental brain trust [source: Smithsonian].
Looking back at the reign of Heraclius, scholars have credited him with many accomplishments.
Other recent scholars have not credited women with a decisive role in the development of the Greek and Roman concept of freedom.
Some scholars credited the Glenbow painting to Kane and others to Cornelius Krieghoff.
Some scholars credit the Mosiniks (or Mossynoeci) with the invention of iron metallurgy.
Most scholars would credit Thomas for three songs.
However, critics and scholars have credited the album for popularizing dance music as mainstream genre.
Some scholars and authors have credited Islamist writer Sayyid Qutb as the inspiration for the new wave of attacks.
Some scholars credit the national pastime with having woven the various threads of immigrant cultures into a single cloth of Stars and Stripes.
Some scholars have credited Gonzales with authoring this historicized, politicized definition of what it is to be a "Chicano".