Most scholars, based on other Japanese records, consider a 538 date to be more accurate.
Traditional Muslim scholars, based on Qur'anic and other traditions, maintain that Jews and Christians have changed the word of God.
Madhu Khanna is an Indian historian of religion and a noted Tantric scholar based in Delhi.
If excavations simply confirmed what we know of early China," said Alfreda Murck, an independent scholar based in Beijing, "we would all have an easier time.
The name was given by modern scholars based on its resemblance to the basket used as a Roman unit of dry measure.
In total about 75 such reports are written by scholars based mainly in Britain but also around Europe and North America.
Today citation analysis tools are easily available to compute various impact measures for scholars based on data from citation indices.
"The one who made concessions is the man himself," said the Rev. Peter Gumpel, a Jesuit scholar based in Rome.
The Dunning School of scholars, based at the history department of Columbia University analyzed Reconstruction as a failure after 1866 for different reasons.