Two scholars read the first edition, asked to examine the manuscripts, and then submitted a full report.
After all, German scholars should be asking their government, "Why can't you do the same?
One question some scholars have asked is whether the symphony had an autobiographical element that gave its failure a more personal dimension.
As scholars have asked, why should we be the only elites in human history that don't set things up to get what we want?
And now, with the recent publication of an essay that revisits the old story, scholars are again asking some 52-year-old questions.
After decades of special-interest scholarship, some scholars are asking if American history can ever again be viewed as a whole.
The startled scholar put down his book and asked the reason for his coming.
The delighted scholar asked the young gentleman to help tie the knot.
The feminist scholar should constantly be asking a variety of probing questions in order to achieve an impact on policy changes.
Until relatively recently, the question that scholars had asked was not, "Are dragons real?"