Buyers could be required to register their properties, let scholars analyze them and allow museums to display them.
A scholar analyzes the changing relationship between Europe and the United States.
Other scholars, including those previously skeptical, will soon be analyzing the improved images.
Several organizations and scholars have analyzed random samples of prisoners with illnesses and the healthcare that they receive while incarcerated.
Early scholars (claiming objectivity) would analyze a foreign culture, only to find their analysis utilized by the colonial powers to further colonialism, religious conversion, and/or oppression.
Various critics and scholars have analyzed the Manifesto and Solanas's statements regarding it.
The exhibition brings material together that the scholars have not yet analyzed.
Some classical and modern scholars have analyzed Abraham's reasoning for hiding Sarah's position as his wife.
Recent scholars have analyzed Clotel for its representations of gender and race.
Many scholars have analyzed Dionne Brand's work.