At the same time, more and more scholars are acknowledging the deep debt owed by European culture to African achievements.
As scholars ruefully acknowledge in the show's catalog, those artists did their jobs extremely well, creating a time-baffling art suspended between past, present and future.
As even international legal scholars acknowledge, in the end you're left with tough judgment calls.
However, those scholars acknowledge that a constitutional amendment would be required to eliminate the federal unitary executive.
Still, as both Jewish refugees and Israeli scholars acknowledge, Israel at the time did not press for compensation.
But even if they worry that some of the state laws may be unconstitutional, legal scholars acknowledge that they have broad public support.
Since then, scholars have routinely acknowledged the epidemic as the greatest single disaster in European history.
Many scholars acknowledge this cynicism in Satire 2.5 and see a connection between the two authors.
Very few scholars of comparative religion acknowledge these type of books.
Thus, in recent decades environmental scholars have acknowledged the existence of a fluid interaction between man and nature.