Entertainment Weekly reported that Anita is "the scheming mother of Chelsea".
His sister has joined the Military Youth and his scheming, devoted mother wants him to pursue a life of science.
Many a scheming mother and lovelorn maiden set a cap for him, but the Black Bear was proof against all their wiles.
As a child, the little worldling, it was observed, took much after his secular father, but much more after his scheming mother.
Arguably her most memorable film role was as Barry's scheming mother in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon.
But when Rita came, followed by her scheming mother, Kammo knew that her days were numbered.
What about Alva, the scheming mother whose daughter's brilliant marriage served to deflect attention from her own louche reputation as a divorcée?
That scheming mother of yours?
But I did not want to seem to be a scheming mother, trying to get advantage for her son.
He is contemptuous of his gentle father, arrogant with his sisters, but hand-in-glove with his scheming mother.