The monthly schedule called "line" which a crew member gets will consist of a series of "pairings".
The schedule called for a day trip to Gaza followed by a visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.
White House officials said Mr. Bush's latest schedule called for him to campaign on 9 of the 14 days before the election.
"And since our schedule called for us to come through here, I didn't mind stopping off to be the one to tell you the news."
Helena's schedule called for a summer spent in Long Beach, followed by overhaul at San Francisco.
Mr. Tisch said the schedule called for the film to be in the theaters next Memorial Day weekend.
You should have a feature in your schedule called vacations, one for holidays, and anything else that consumes people's time.
Create a new column in the schedule called Rick's Estimate (assuming your name is Rick, of course.)
The schedule that day called for spending the entire afternoon taping students, a waste of time and tape that I hated more than anything except the phone company.
They are given on schedules called "cycles" that involve having a break of a few weeks after each dose.