The scenario above actually describes the introduction of the blackboard in the 1840's.
The scenario describes the town and its castle.
The scenario, as it evolved, described a most unusual marriage, indeed.
The zippy ads use fanciful scenarios to describe various Tracer attributes.
The Mommy said this same scenario described most marriages.
A scenario describes one way that a system is or is envisaged to be used in the context of activity in a defined time-frame.
The scenarios describe sequences of interactions between objects, and between processes.
The book's central theme is to criticize the scientific consensus which has, in his words, created "a largely fictional scenario describing prehistoric North America".
It is important to keep in mind that scenarios which some would describe as dystopic, others would describe as utopian.
That fanciful scenario describes what Avon Products Inc. intends to accomplish in a major campaign that starts on Sunday.