In this size regime, the exact shape of the scattering center is usually not very significant and can often be treated as a sphere of equivalent volume.
If the scattering centers are in motion, then the scattered radiation is Doppler shifted.
An analysis of the spectrum of scattered light can thus yield information regarding the motion of the scattering center.
We can set one of the scattering centres as the origin of an array.
Furthermore, it depends only on the geometry of the scattering center, and not on the incident flux or distance of the detector from the scattering center.
Limits to spatial scales of visibility (using white light) therefore arise, depending on the frequency of the light wave and the physical dimension of the scattering center.
Computer modeling of light transmission through translucent ceramic alumina has shown that microscopic pores trapped near grain boundaries act as primary scattering centers.
- Inelastic scattering, where energy is transferred between the scattered particle and the scattering center.
The scattering centres are tiny particles of dust, small enough that they are always moving effectively with the instantaneous fluid velocity.
ISAR images are produced by rotating the target and processing the resultant Doppler histories of the scattering centers.