Into the Edinburger's midriff, scarcely slowing as it tore a hole in the armor and plunged inside.
Johanson waved at the house, scarcely slowing his speed.
Scarcely slowing, never hesitating to look back, Doc raced on.
Scattered arrows fell across the attackers, downing an armsman here and there but scarcely slowing the assault.
I've watched him at practice, and the drink scarcely slows him a beat!
The balloon opened out like a parachute but scarcely slowed their fall.
The god-metal blade scarcely slowed as it went through armor and flesh and bone.
Even my trolls, hammering ogre heads from above, scarcely slowed them.
Grolls hammering heads from above scarcely slowed them.
We scarcely slowed and only broke step going over his unconscious body.