Wili, those first few years, was so weak he could scarcely eat even when food was right at hand.
He scarcely ate a morsel, and immediately after breakfast went out again.
She could scarcely eat any dinner, and when they afterwards returned to the drawing room, seemed anxiously listening to the sound of every carriage.
She scarcely ate that he could see, and her energy seemed more frenetic than natural.
Dorothy was so excited over the revelation Ozana had just made that she could scarcely eat.
As it was, the poor brutes were so tired that some of them could scarcely eat, and all lay down at the first opportunity.
He hastened to make food ready, but the child was far spent and would scarcely eat.
The demons of creativity possessed him; he saw no reason to eat and scarcely any to sleep.
I scarcely ate enough to keep my frame inhabited.
He could scarcely eat, however, he was so anxious to be about his errand.