The blogger said, "for the scanty details that they (mass media) put on television, they get grenades thrown at them and their reporters kidnapped.
And he said the bill required the companies to give only scanty details of their conversion plans to policyholders before demanding that they reach a decision within 30 days.
He shared only the scantiest details.
Claire had refused to give more detail, however, and the public library posessed but scanty entries.
It was Willie who received him and gave him the scanty details.
The novice delivered his scanty details firmly and was not shaken when the elders, particularly the steam users and stone carvers, asked probing questions.
Once she was armed with the scanty details, Mrs. Jim Bob sent the girl about her business and went down the hall.
However to look into this the bank requires more than the scanty details you are able to provide.
And Jazz himself remembering only the scantiest details of it, brief, blurry snatches from the few occasions when he'd been conscious.
She dug into dusty books, collected the scanty details on these inmates' lives and demanded that they be formally recognized.